Lesson From Our Father Abraham

1. Be willing to give up everything for God

Abraham gave up everything for God. He left the land of his fathers and followed God’s commandment to him. He did not question, he did not wonder, and he did not hesitate. When God gave him the word, he uprooted his entire family and went into the unknown, having full confidence in God and his word.

2. Even spiritual giants are still human

We all make mistakes. Even Abraham made mistakes. When God promised him children, he had doubts, and even listened to his wife’s suggestion, and took his maid as a wife. He did not patiently wait for God to work out his plan, and thought that he could carve out is own path.

3. Tithing leads to physical blessings

And blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” And he gave him a tithe of all. (Gen. 14.20). When we give to God and his Church, he gives us back plentiful. God loves cheerful givers and blesses them abundantly.

4. Faith is both believing and doing

God gave Abraham a commandment, and Abraham immediately did what he was told. He did not question the details, or worry about the circumstance. He abandon the security of his homeland at an old age because he trusted in God’s love, goodness, and wisdom.

5. When making a decision, think generationally

At an old age, God took Abraham, one man, and made him into a nation for His own. Abraham led this nation of God’s chosen people with his eyes on the promises made by God, for the benefit of his future nation. Nowadays, God takes regular parents, mentors, church members, and youth leaders and grows a kingdom of worshippers for Himself. We don’t only have a duty to this generation, but to the next as well, and just like Abraham, we must prepare our children to lead a life through Christ.

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